Tittibha Brings Thoughtful Curations,

is my brain child project. Born out of my natural inclination towards India’s rich art and craft heritage and my true admiration for artisanal communities spread across the length and breadth of the nation.

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.”

– Leonardo Da Vinci

Unfortunately, the quote reflects India’s past and present reality. During the Crown rule, imposition of hefty taxes, steep export duties and the monopoly of British goods led to the ruin of rural artisanal industries. Today the concerning challenges are – decreasing number of artisans and artisanal communities, lack of sufficient patronage and the availability of affordable machine-made look like alternatives.

Through Tittibha, we intend to make substantial contribution by bringing forth India’s authentic heritage art and craft forms, made by the artisanal communities belonging to a specific geographical origin which possess the characteristic attributes to that place of origin. We recognize the significance of social, economic and environmental impact we can create through our work. Accordingly, we make well informed choices and take well considered actions for the betterment of all concerned. With our thoughtfulness, pride and passion for the India’s textile heritage and artisanal communities, and our commitment to continual improvement we envision to be one of the reliable names for authentic artisanal Indian textiles and clothing worldwide across both online and offline platforms.

I am immensely grateful for the support given by Maharashtra State Government. And lastly would like to express gratitude towards my tribe, my people – Your encouragement and faith in me has been a source of strength and inspiration.

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About Founder

“Aparna Panda, founder of Tittibha Brings Thoughtful Curations has fashion apparel design diploma from S.O.F.T – Pune, BBA degree, 5 years of work experience as a designer and 7 years of work experience as a curator to her credit. She is an entrepreneur, wife, mother, a daughter and a daughter in law. She is an ardent believer of – don’t be the same be better, reciprocation, love your work, stay curious and never give up!”


The name Tittibha is derived from the yoga pose called firefly pose which is also referred to as ‘Tittibhasana’ in Sanskrit. Tittibha’s core values are inspired by the bioluminescent life form’s ability to be mindful & authentic, to honor natural rhythms and to shine ones own light.

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